Saturday, April 30, 2011

Etegami, etegami, etegami...Not a Royal wedding in sight!

The mailbox has been very good to me the last few days and I have a heap of interesting stuff to show you. Before that let me say that my last etegami was a bit of a FAIL. I am still having trouble mastering the colour application using the gansai paint on what is akin to blotting paper. I  think I was displaying a fair amount of hubris when I ordered the postcards with maximum 'nijimi' or absorbency as it is probably beyond my skill level. I am pushing on though and in the interests of not posting only my successes, the above is my latest attempt which did not go so well.
Contrast that with this one from the excellent Debbie (DosankoDebbie) which arrived yesterday. Beautiful. The subject is soramame or broadbeans commonly called in Japan 'skybeans' as they have the appearance of looking skyward. Isn' the green ravishing?
Just coincidentally when in Japan five years ago I bought a set of chopstick rests that are the absolute image of these, I do like the colour.

More tomorrow on the contents of my mailbox and why I am on a government watchlist........

Friday, April 22, 2011

Raining etegami

What is it they say? 'It never rains but it pours'? Well after an etegami 'drought' I have managed three in two days.
It is the Easter break here and life has  wound down for most people. Good Friday is the one holiday that people seem to treat with some respect, almost all of the shops are closed and folk spend the time with their friends and family or doing etegami. LOL.
Traditionally it has been a time to tidy up around the house, do those little DIY jobs and paint sales go through the roof prior to the long weekend. In the spirit of home renovation we have decided to replace the silicon joints between the wall and our hand basins, riveting stuff eh?
Gardening and harvesting our chokos (enough for us and the neighbours) prompted the first etegami.
The wombat seemed to be  a good subject to follow in my series of Australian birds and animals, the only wombat I can see locally (they are nocturnal) is in a cage at the local wildlife park, a grumpy chap he really would not make a good substitute for the Easter bunny though I am sure a chocolate one would be better than the Easter Bilby, another Australian animal pushing for that role.

You have to admit they are pretty cute in a lumbering kind of way.
(For a good explanation of etegami go to DosankoDebbie's blog in my blog list.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cockatoo etegami and maybe a haiku?

A couple of attempts to 'capture' a Sulphur Crested white cockatoo. They always seem to herald winter to me as they are most noticeable against a dark stormy sky. Flocks of them fly over screeching in their raucous voices, announcing their presence. Sometimes it seems they just do it for the hell of it!
Cockatoos are a long lived bird and very intelligent (as birds go), it pains me to see them caged and solitary as they are very gregarious and mate for life which can be many decades long. Cockatoos are frequently inherited after they outlive their original owners. any caged bird is an abomination to me but I guess they do give the people who own them some pleasure.
The words are meant to be a haiku, a Japanese form of poetry, short, 17 syllables (in Japanese) and evocative rather than descriptive I think....a first attempt.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday

My garden is having a late spurt of growth and today it was 27 degrees C, I just had to get out and take some photos,something to look at when I move to the aged care facility! Can you see the chicken topiary in the second urn? The plant in front is a Tree Dahlia which should be flowering in a couple of weeks, the gorgeous mauve single flowers last only a day but repeat down the stem.
 The first urn in my front garden has a beautiful blue grey succulent which is as tough as old boots, it is surrounded by gardenia, a tricky one to grow in our magnesium deficient soils.
I am really loving the Japanese box topiary in the front garden, The inspiration came from a temple garden in Kyoto where they were grown in a large plot in lines.
The Japanese Anemones are the best this year and can be a bit weedy, they suffer in dry times but bounce back very quickly with a bit of water. Why do I have so many Japanese plants?
At the moment we are having a storm, almost like Summer and the smell is so typical of a summer storm,   dust mingled with nostalgia.
Tomorrow we are promised Autumn!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

That's a bit Goth for you Mum!

Lol, that's my son's reaction when he saw this brooch that I bought  from a Brisbane girl on Etsy, can't copy the link so if you are interested in her work just Google Catamation on Etsy and it will take you to her shop.

It came in this cool handmade box as well. Even though I have been interested in origami since I bought my first Robert Harbin paperback in the early 70's there is no way I could do this level of intricacy.
Re my son's comment, it is nice to be at a time in life when being unpredictable is a bonus!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Life goes on...

The mail gets through, tick tock, tick tock...daylight saving ends tonight, we shall be woken up in the light and go to bed in the goes on.
After a week dealing with minor family crises I finally got the chance to 'etegami' the gorgeous windflowers in my garden, they are rather ephemeral so I took the chance to paint them while the Prof was disporting himself at the local sports club.
I tried tracing over my original drawing and reproducing it with a different line from the same poem, which do you like? As usual I like the image on one and the words on the other Doh!
Received mailart this week was from 'Senior' always a delight to get mail from him. This time the envelope was just as wonderful as the contents.
The etegami is in response to one I sent him saying that I wanted to see the cherry blossoms (Sakura) and he made me this wonderfully abstract card.
I am so envious as my work invariably becomes too literal, I do so admire people who can loosen up.

Told you it was fabulous.!